Так это было в "Вокруг света":
Мы увидели тела двух влюбленных.
Лицо женщины было обращено к любимому. Раздвинутые губы открывали ряд
белых зубов. Темные волосы, пересыпанные песком разметались
по подушке. Опершись о локоть, он в течение веков, не отрываясь,
смотрел в ее глаза... Я невольно вспомнил Шекспира... |
А вот, о чем написал автор:
The two lovers, naked, were dead.
He lay on top and slightly on her right side. Her face looked up into
his. Her lips were slightly parted, a little lopsidedly to the right, and
I could see the line of her white teeth. The hair, dark as passion, lay
back across the pillow, filmed with sand. The eye sockets were full of
sand. In the erect nipple of her left breast the sand had gathered in the
runnels of flesh. Her other breast was somewhere under him. Propped on
his left elbow, he looked down -- as he had done for five centuries --
into her eyes. His hair was dark and the hollow of his back was filled
with sand. Below the waist, their two bodies were fused -- for ever. |